Monday, July 9, 2012

Breaking Through The Brain Poop

Most people think it is hard to make money. Most people also thought the world was flat, but that paradigm was proven false as well.

What they're doing is defining their reality based on their own financial situation. If money is hard for them to find, they naturally translate that to the world as a whole. If money is tight for them, it must be tight for other people too. When they decide to change their reality, their income changes too.

Believe that money is scarce and it is. Believe that there is a lot of money in this world, and your reality changes too. Be very careful about how you define reality, it becomes whatever you want it to be (within the laws of nature). We create our own reality with our thoughts and beliefs. They are powerful, so monitor them on a regular basis.

Another challenge most people face when they are trying to start a business is, information overload. We are drowning in information. We think we need to know everything, but we don't. The more information you get, the more confused you become. Let me put information overload into perspective for you.

Let's say you are an average height and average weight for your age. Suddenly you decide to eat everything you possibly could, because you were afraid of missing some important nutrient in your diet. So you indiscriminately eat everything you can lay your hands on, just in case there is some nutrient that can save you from cancer or help make you healthier.

Why treat information any different than food? You are careful about what you eat, so why not be just as careful with the information you consume. You need to be as discriminating about your information intake as you are about your diet.

For example, if you want to start a business online or you want to expand your current online business. There are literally hundreds of business models you can follow and hundreds of ways to market your business. If you start following one business model and before you've got your business rolling, you jump onto another model, and keep hopping from one opportunity to another, you'll end up spending lots of money, but you don't have a business that is generating an income for you. Stay focused, build a solid business and then add to it once you've started making money.

This news article is brought to you by ACUPUNCTURE - where latest news are our top priority.

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