Friday, July 13, 2012

Conventional Wisdom Not Ideal for Building Home Based Business

Given the current world economic situation, financial security of people has taken the back seat. We hope for immediate recovery of the economy, but we fail to acknowledge that a system which is not functioning cannot lead to the recovery. People are broke even after retirement, and the ones who are working cannot make their ends meet. I honestly believe home-based business is a solution to the prayers of many people.

We inspire and encourage getting a quality education; good job and remain in employment for the rest of your life-and this we call conventional wisdom. Starting home-based business means now we are now a business owner. We cannot build this business on knowledge and experience we gain in the past job or traditional business. It requires a different mindset; a different approach when one thinks to build this business. One should accept the change, though it is difficult.

As new home-based business owners step in the arena of change, first they need to overcome conventional wisdom and get untrained from job mindset. They need to find area for self-improvement, and program themselves with a winning mindset. In the job, expectations are straightforward i.e. one gets paid for performing the given task. In the job, constant supervision along with routinely performance evaluation is must. Employer's controls the destiny of their employees, and they decide how much increase in salary to give to each of their employee. As a business owner, this perception needs to change; one is not working for the month to month pay cheque but working towards achieving their goals. It is easy to make money in this business focus on accomplishing your goals, do not count your hours.

Taking business to the level where one could control time and money is technically a two to three years program, so having instant money mindset will not work. In this business owners are in search for associates and clients to grow their business, by helping them to succeed.

Wisdom in home-based business merits commitment and passion for building the business. This business merits loving people unconditionally; one needs to learn to be a team player. It empowers business owners to focus to reach as many lives as possible, that many of them in this business community will be self-reliant because of these business owners.

Always remember in home based business "What get you in the business, will not make you financially successful, unless you reprogram yourself."

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