Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Top Network Marketing Companies Clues

For someone looking for a top network marketing company, it can be quite bewildering to sort through and to find a diamond company. Most companies use a lot of hype and some are downright misleading. Added to this, is the sheer exaggeration factor that network marketers are famous for. No wonder many people are mislead and end up joining a company with questionable ethics and zero longevity.

This article will attempt to examine the kinds of things to be looking out for if we want to align ourselves with a top company. Successful companies, or companies that are in for the long haul have specific traits to look out for,

CEO'S Background

It would be ideal to find a company that is headed by someone who has actually had experience as a distributor in the industry. More than ten years experience would be ideal. It gives a real understanding of the kinds of challenges that distributors face in the field. It also teaches the impact of managerial decisions on the distributor.

Many distributors, once they start to build a serious business, notice how the attitude of the owners can change. Sometimes, when companies find that a particular individual is creating a huge business, they begin to change the goalposts. They start to create 'hoops, hurdles and headaches' to make it more difficult for the super successful distributor. Many distributors have experienced a change in the pay plan that make it almost impossible to earn a good income.

Where you have a company CEO who has been a distributor in the past,and knows the impact of a sudden change in the pay plan,you can trust this person will be less likely to behave unfairly.

Hi Tech/High Touch

Another thing to look out for is how conversant the company is with social media and internet marketing. Too many network marketing companies shy away from auto responders, splash pages and online lead generation. Modern network marketing thrives on high tech with high touch. Certainly, the old methods of marketing are important as are the newer internet protocols.


The heart of a top network marketing company are the products. What we find increasingly, are companies that start out with a top notch product, their flagship product, but after that the quality and uniqueness of subsequent products is of a much lower quality. This is something to check. It goes without say that consumable products are best suited to network marketing. Most of the thriving top companies market consumables.

Company Decisions

Who is at the helm of the company? It ought to be someone who is not relying on the network marketing company to fuel his or her lifestyle. If the CEO's lifestyle, depends on how well the company is doing, this can contaminate some of the decision making. There are very few female owners of companies. As female network marketers outnumber male networkers, it is always refreshing to find female led companies. In general women are less governed by the ego and more likely to listen to the field.

Pay Plan

The compensation plan should not be so difficult that only a handful of people at the top earn huge amounts whilst the average distributors really struggle to get anywhere. It is far better to have lots earning $5000 to $10,000 a month rather than a few earning $100,000 a month.

These are a few crucial things to look out for when considering joining a top network marketing company.

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