Thursday, May 31, 2012

Is Your MLM Company In Compliance?

Did you know that a company can develop the most legitimate MLM PROGRAM in the world, but distributors, who have NOT been trained in compliance, by their words or by their activities, can turn it into an illegal PYRAMID! Furthermore it only takes a handful of distributors to do this.

To protect yourself and your company these are some of the statements that you DON'T ever say:

Don't tell people that NO selling is involved (If product sales aren't involved you are looking at a program that is very likely a PYRAMID).
Don't tell prospects that it's ALL about recruiting (doing so could cause a legitimate MLM company to be viewed as a PYRAMID).
Recruiting individuals must come second to selling the company's products.
Secondly, does your MLM company have a PROPER Income Disclosure Statement? If so your MLM company and yourself can make ANY TRUTHFUL income claims. My advise to you would be to use the Income Disclosure Statement EVERY time the compensation plan is discussed.

Once again to protect yourself and your company these are the statements that you DON'T ever say:

Don't make income claims, show tax returns or even a copy of your latest check to your prospects.
Don't make claims for which you have no factual basis.
Does your company offer an AutoShip and or AutoOrder Programs? If so here are some things that you DON'T want to do:

Don't promote it as a way to make sure that you don't lose commissions.
Don't tell people that it is a way to insure qualification for compensation.
Don't mention that it guarantees that you will meet your minimum monthly volume requirements.
Don't promote it as a way to maximize compensation, or as a way to stay qualified.

If you would like to promote the AutoShip program for your company you could inform your prospect about the positive aspects of the AutoShip program which are:

An AutoShip program is a convenient way to get your products automatically, and allows you to have products on hand for your customers. Some of the other benefits include:

Preventing you from running out of products, and can save you time and money.
Build a customer base and increase your sales.

Well there you have it. You now know the essentials of what you can and cannot do according to the law. Now you can build your business, your plans and your dreams on a rock solid foundation.

To your success,


This news article is brought to you by RELATIONSHIPS - where latest news are our top priority.

Get Paid to Write: Marketing Strategies for Home-Based Writers

The difference between successful and struggling writers often has little to do with talent. Great writers frequently undersell themselves while those less gifted can command three figures per hour.

What separates the two comes down to this: the ability to market.

Marketing your business is not only part of a web writer's job, it's the hinge on which your success depends.

Here are some of my favourite strategies for marketing your freelance writing business:

1. Twitter: Join and follow other writers and prospects - particularly in niches you specialize in. Be pro-active. Interact: tweet regularly, tweet valuably, re-tweet, direct-message prospects and invite them to follow you back. Personalize your Twitter page and be a genuine member of the community with well-targeted tweets. Done correctly, Twitter is one of the most effective free marketing tools available to writers - and easier to maintain than Facebook (which can be a real time-sucker).

2. Join LinkedIn. There are more relevant prospects for writers on LinkedIn than any other social network. Referrals are the lifeblood of freelancing, and if you can net just one influential client with a large LinkedIn network, your service can potentially spread like wildfire. It's worth an upgraded account so that you can contact members directly. Always do so professionally: introduce yourself, personalize your pitch and make it all about what you can do for them.

3. Blogging. Maintaining your own blog on your writer's site is one of the best ways to showcase your writing skills - perhaps even more so than your portfolio. Your blog is the real you... your interests, your style, your voice. Savvy writers blog about things their prospects are likely to be looking for. This is therefore an occasion when search-engine optimization strategies can pay off. "How A Freelance Writer Can Triple A Website's Traffic", "Why Websites Without Quality Content are Heading Directly to Google Wilderness" and "How to Increase Your Sales with Web Content" are a few sample titles likely to generate targeted leads.

4. Blog Commenting. This is a great way to network with other writers, or go after prospects in specialized niches. Other writers are of course your direct competitors. But if you make friends in valuable places, they just might pass work on to you if they're too busy. And leaving your footprint on their site means that you are visible to their prospects. Blog commenting is most effective if you are a writer with a specialized niche. Know a thing or twenty about fly-fishing? Find relevant blogs and leave insightful, helpful comments.

5. Guest Blogging. This is a potentially highly effective method of personal branding if you can land a spot on a successful, high-traffic blog. There is an art to contacting webmasters and offering a guest post, and it's worth familiarizing yourself with best practices before you attempt it. But, at the very least, ensure you're familiar with the site, what readers are interested in and offer something relevant that has not been covered before.

6. Forum Posting. Think about where your prospects hang out, and go and hang out with them! Writers often make the mistake of interacting only on writer's forums. This isn't the savviest use of your time. Other writers are unlikely to hire you to write for them. Instead, join business, webmaster and marketing forums. Have a compelling signature with a snappy description of your services linked to your writer's site. And remember: every post you contribute is in effect an advertisement for your services. Show 'em what you can do, and proofread vigilantly before you press "submit"!

7. Ads. An ad on the Warrior Forum can kick-start your business. For just $20, a cleverly written Warrior For Hire ad can potentially generate all the work you need. Similarly, other internet marketing forums like Digital Point are populated by buyers hungry for fresh content. But think carefully about positioning yourself before you place your ad. You will want to target the higher-paying market (very much the minority on IM forums), so have a look around and see how other writers are doing it before you leap in. Placing a free ad on Craigslist and Gumtree is another advertising option, and a particularly good one if you go after local businesses.

8. Article Marketing. Take your blog posts, turn them into articles and submit them to article directories. Ensure you utilize the resource box with a call-to-action linking back to your site.

9. Article Syndication. This is similar to above, but better! Instead of just submitting your articles to directories and crossing your fingers that prospects will find you, contact relevant webmasters and ask them if they'd like to publish your already-written article in exchange for a referral link. This is sort of like article marketing and guest-blogging combined, i.e. a highly targeted strategy for getting your work in front of targeted prospects.

10. Write a Press Release. Make yourself "newsworthy" by announcing your service to your local area. There's a lot of money to be made in writing for local businesses... web content, article marketing, Google Places and Facebook Fan pages, blog maintenance, e-newsletters, in-house brochures and press releases are just some of the services you can offer.

As a bonus to my Top Ten Marketing Strategies for Freelance Writers, I've saved the best for last...

11. Contact prospects directly and pitch yourself! This is my favourite method for good reason, and we'll explore it further in a future post.

Marketing your writing services can be daunting, which is why so many choose to hide behind the anonymity of content-mills and job-bidding sites. But regular application of just one of the above methods - for as little as an hour each day - will generate regular, high-paying clients.

The clients are out there. It's up to you to reel 'em in!

This news article is brought to you by IT'S NOT DIFFICULT TO TAKE GREAT PHOTOS ? - where latest news are our top priority.

Are You Willing To Be Self-Employed?

Are you ready to enter the field of self employment with all the intricacies of a true business? It is the most demanding but most exciting desire all individuals have, to be self employed. However, only a few take this challenge, because it has a risk factor that is not encounter as an employee.

Regardless of the consequences many people think about having a business to work on the internet from home and make money on the net.

However, if taking a risk to become financial independent is appealing to you - not reporting to a boss, no income limitations and no time cards to punch in, this is for you. I can just see you now excited as you filter out all the options that are open for you to step out of your current job.

You have just about everything available for you now, but one thing that most people tend to forget when they get excited is the cost of time, money and effort to set yourself up independently. It takes time and without exception - funds. However, today with our new technology, the money needed is very low to start a business.

There are lots of marketing campaigns claiming to make a high income in the internet business. Many marketers induce people to enter the internet business as an affiliate to make easy money. Well, we all know that there is no easy money out there, now or before. So stay away from those gimmicks. The easy money comes only when you do what you like to do.

The marketer promotion is very credible, but they don't give you the reality that it took them years to learn the system, and only until they found the right system. However, once you make up your mind, you must be ready to face reality of not making any personal income for months - maybe years.

I would imply that the best way to start a business on the side and get to work on the internet from home is to keep your regular employment to ensure your income. If you persevere, you can begin to make money on the net.

And of course, the best way is to have the right savings to give you freedom to follow your dream of being self employed. Yes, take a good look at the cost to set up and be able to give it great effort with uninterrupted time.

There are a few issues or requirements before venturing in this endeavor. If your passion is high to achieve your dream, it alone can overcome some of the challenges as overcoming time robbers from friends, social gatherings, and so. These and other issues will come into foreplay as one devotes the time to get a business off the ground.

It must be understood that consume effort must be put put forth to create a successful business before it becomes profitable. Until the work compensates enough, business will consume a lot of time indeed, but without doubt it will compensate you for the time put in.

Cultivating your business has - the marketing, doing free jobs, searching for clients and customers etc. you may not see any income or a meager one for a while, but your time will come from your effort and discipline. These two efforts always pay-off!


Efren Maldonado

Success in Network Marketing Is Simply Showing the Plan

I'm writing this article out of my own experience. I have started in network marketing about 2 years ago and have been through my own gauntlet. In the beginning, I kept purchasing e-books, various courses, and online products all designed to give one success within their network marketing business. After fumbling around with countless affiliate products and online marketing systems, I came to one conclusion.

To be success in your network marketing business, just show the plan.

There really is nothing more to it than that. Whatever the presentation is for your business, just simply find ways to get eyeballs on it. People will either join or not. There was a study done in Germany with door to door insurance salesman. They were told to go door to door and do everything wrong when trying to sell insurance. What they found was that 1 out of 56 home owners bought the insurance.

That being said success is simply showing the plan. People will say yes or no. No in same cases can mean "not right now" but it usually means in most cases "no." You should spend 80% of your time focusing on connecting with new people and presenting the plan and about 20% of the time following up with previous contacts.

I've heard it said that the "fortune is in the follow up" and I agree with that because sometimes people can't afford to join your opportunity but they may really want to or just maybe want to see how you do with it for a bit. I say keep those guys in mind but always put more effort in connecting with new people and you will never be disappointed.

Just keep showing the plan how ever you can and don't worry about the "no's" that you get. For every person who tells you no, there are 10 more out there who want what you have to offer. There is no magic to making your network marketing business work. You must have the confidence in your business and yourself above all else.

If your attitude is right, then nothing else matters. If you know what you want, then there is nothing but time from now and when you will obtain it. Just simply show the plan. Your goal should be when showing the plan is to set or schedule another meeting and show another plan. Don't concentrate or focus on signing people up. Just focus on showing the plan!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The Beauty of Home Network Marketing

Home network marketing has made quite the impression on entrepreneurs of the 21st century. Generally, people scoff at the idea of someone making a legitimate income from the familiarity of their own home. It is safe to say that those who scoff have yet to analyze the facts.

Operating a network marketing business from home is actually an incredibly fruitful field that is filled to the brim with success stories. It actually baffles me that so many people doubt this unique industry. With such a large percentage of sales being conducted online today, why is it so difficult to believe motivated individuals can make money marketing from home?

Different Shades of Opportunity

Each opportunity in this industry is different from the rest. The different companies each represent unique products and offer unique compensation plans. To be clear, marketers working from home conduct their business mostly online. Daily tasks can consist of blogging about products, article marketing, and networking.

Although each company in this area of business is unique, the job is essentially the same. The marketer's job is to utilize marketing strategies in an attempt to introduce new consumers to their respective company's products or services. Considering most consumers turn to the internet when searching for a given product, this industry possesses limitless potential.

Work from your Favorite Recliner

Admit it. We've all dreamt of working from home. No more morning commute or overbearing boss. No more $100 weekly gas bills or office politics. To most, this is exactly that: A dream. To those people working from home it is a reality.

Because most of the work home network marketers do is performed mostly online, there is very little need to leave home. This is especially attractive for those with children! Working from home can literally save your family thousands of dollars a year on commuting costs and the tax breaks you can get from owning your own business. By learning the ins and outs of the marketing niche, you can enjoy a home-based career.

In addition to working from home, those involved have a completely uncapped earning potential. This essentially means that only the marketer themselves can determine their ultimate income. To be clear, many traditional marketing and sales positions have salary caps that are not allowed to be exceeded. Home network marketing does not fall under that traditional description!

The Perks of a Home Business

Network marketers operating a business from home are considered independent business owners as far as the IRS is concerned. This means loads of tax breaks. In addition to having Uncle Sam on their side, home network marketers do not have to answer to anyone.

If you pursue a home-based marketing business, you will no longer have to deal with a boss or office politics around the water cooler. That being said, being self-employed brings with it responsibility and this can be a challenge in itself. Working from home is a fantastic experience, but only if it is profitable.

To avoid a poor home network marketing experience, be sure to be fully committed, self-disciplined and organised. Treating internet marketing as a career is the only way you'll earn a career income. Home network marketing presents a fantastic money-making opportunity for anyone with an entrepreneurial drive who would enjoy working from their favorite recliner!

How Can You Double Your Business Income in 12 Months?

Can you double your business income in the next 12 months?

What are 3 specific actions you can take today that will lead you to double your income in the next 12 months? Are you using all the power that is currently at your disposal? Do you know the power that is available to you? Find out the 3 top secrets to doubling your income in just 12 months or less.

Secret # 1: FREE!

Find a way to use the "Power of Free" in your business now. Nothing attracts like the most powerful word in marketing, the word "free." The best way to do this is by giving away something of value as part of your marketing effort. It doesn't mean the thing of value must cost you money or much money. When you give something of value for nothing and without requiring anything in return, people are more likely to listen to you when you approach them.

Secret # 2: Ask for referrals before you say anything!

Nothing takes the sting out of approaching a prospect like NOT approaching a prospect. Simply start by asking: "Do you know anyone who may be looking for a solid business income?" As soon as you say this or something like it, you have taken the pressure off the prospect to accept or reject what you're going to say next because you have taken them out of your cross hairs. They relax and you relax. Tell them what you have and wait for an answer.

Secret # 3: Always make it all about THEM (not you).

Making it about them when you're forming a relationship means asking questions, listening to answers sincerely and asking more questions. They will LOVE YOU for it! This is harder to do than it sounds. You must practice it!

Making it all about them when you're presenting your product is to sell the benefits of owning your product. If your product has little or no benefit for the end-user, find another product! Don't mistake features for benefits.

Let's say you're selling high-end pots and pans. The features are stainless steel construction with a double wall and a special no-stick coating.

The benefits to the user of them would be even heat so that you can cook at lower heat settings and keep the goodness and flavor of the food. That will give the user a great tasting and healthy meal. Clean up time would be saved because of the special no-stick coating.

An easy way to remember this is, "Always make it about them" no matter what you're doing. It's simple human nature that we all are most interested in ourselves and the benefits we will receive from owning or doing anything, right? Your prospect doesn't care about you or much of anything else but what is in it for them.


To double your business income in 12 months you must use all 3 Top Income Secrets together and with massive action! What is massive action? For example, if you're using sizzle cards don't make 500, make 5,000 and set a deadline to get them out.

Only massive action will get you where you want to go. A little bit effort will never you get anywhere except frustrated.

What should you do next?

Success in Network Marketing: Success Strategy No 6 - Manage Procrastination

It may not be you, but someone in your downline is likely struggling with the ill effects of procrastination on their business. This article will explore the causes of procrastination and provide some effective tools for turning this habit from a liability to an asset.

What is Procrastination?

To understand why people procrastinate, it is useful to first understand what procrastination really is. The word "procrastination" comes from the Latin "procrastinare," meaning "to put off until tomorrow." Most of us think of it as putting off things we know we should do, things that have at least some degree of importance in our lives.

The important thing to understand is that procrastination is not a cause, but an effect. More specifically, people procrastinate in order to try to take control over specific areas of their lives. It is first and foremost an avoidance strategy. It can manifest itself through a wide range of behaviors that go beyond simple laziness. Perhaps the most insidious of these behaviors fall in the category of creative avoidance. Some call this the "but first" phenomenon in which it appears the person is going to take action but keeps finding other activities that need to be completed first. This is also sometimes called "getting ready to get ready." The insidious nature of the creative avoidance behaviors are such that the person can convince themselves they are actually being productive rather than simply staying busy.

Why People Procrastinate

People procrastinate in order to avoid things like unpleasantness, failure, rejection, struggle, even success. If you never call a prospect or go to a meet-up, you never have to worry about not knowing what to say or being rejected. If you never introduce your business to anyone, you will never be told no. Of course, you will never have a successful business either.

Procrastination is what is sometimes referred to as an "away from" strategy. People procrastinate in order to move away from things they do not want. And in this lies the clue to successfully managing procrastination.

Managing Procrastination with the Law of Attraction

The strategies and techniques developed around the Law of Attraction are an effective means of managing procrastination. According to the Law of Attraction, you attract the things to which you give your attention, energy, and focus. So, if you are focused on things you do not want, like rejection and even procrastination, you will attract more of that into your life.

Simply by changing your focus and giving your attention and energy to the things you do want, you will begin to attract more of those things instead. Through this process, your commitment to your goals will become stronger than your tendency to procrastinate.

You may have noticed that I have been discussing how to manage procrastination rather than eliminate it entirely. That is because you have probably been procrastinating for a long time and have probably gotten really good at it. Why just throw away such a finely honed skill? Instead, you can turn it into an asset. Simply begin to "put off until tomorrow" (or even for just an hour or two) those things that do not lead you to achieving your goals. Why not put off watching television for an hour one evening and spend the time prospecting instead? You are probably pretty good at putting things off. Why not put off all of the behaviors that are holding you back?

This news article is brought to you by IS ASTROLOGY MISLEADING YOU ? - where latest news are our top priority.

The Second Force for Network Marketing Success: Company Choice

We all know the stats... the 97% and more that never see any network marketing success to speak of. Granted, most of us only stop to check the figures AFTER some serious frustration first! It would've been really helpful to know this while we were figuring out how to select a network marketing company... But I'll talk about THAT subject somewhere else, later.

Right, back to what to do then. Where does this sort of stat leave us, (aspiring) network marketers in this day and age? Should we all give up and try to find 'real jobs' that now don't exist anymore either, what with the state of the global economy and all?

Not according to Robert Kiyosaki!(1) He is totally convinced that Network Marketing IS the business of the future, for that very reason: There IS NO JOB SECURITY anymore, in any industry, at any level. We HAVE to take control of our lives and financial futures ourselves! There is no choice anymore, really.

So, if we accept his position as our reality, we must accept also that the rules have changed for ever, and that we need to adapt if we want to have any chance at network marketing success at all.

So, let's take a look at some ideas on how to select a network marketing company for success in this new era:


In the good(?) old days the health and wellness potions and lotions did really well because of their cutting edge novelty, and that of the business model itself. But let's face it, these days every Tom, Dick and Harry has a weight loss shake and some vitamins to keep you young forever! And usually also so much cheaper than the giants out there... And if we look at other consumer items like homewares or costume jewelry, well, unfortunately these things lose value over time, because they become old. They are essentially consumed.

So, in the new era, the best products would be those that actually increase in value over time (a real asset to help amass wealth), or an intellectual product that is built on experience (like a cutting edge online mentorship programme for example, that is continuously reviewed and improved), so no newcomer would be able to compete with the accumulated wealth of experience and knowledge.

And obviously, still VERY important: You must actually like the products! It would be even better if you use/collect/do them. So, make sure that the products excite you, whatever they are.


Obviously the less competition you have in the marketplace for your particular type of product, the better, but you need to also make sure that there isn't any strong competition in the Network Marketing arena in particular. The other very important factor when it comes to competition evaluation is to make sure that the same type of products don't sell for considerably less than your proposed product line in general retail. Both these really are just about applying some common sense!


About this topic I truly do not know anything, apart from asking 'show me the money'! I am therefore giving you this link to read all about it from someone who knows his stuff apparently! As far as I know, comp plans have always been a hot button for development since the beginning of time for MLM. Let me know if you think there is one that is more suitable than the next for the type of products outlined above!

I will however offer this one piece of advice: Ask as many questions as you need to understand the proposed comp plan perfectly. If the recruiter is vague or cannot answer you, be suspicious! It means they are either brand new themselves, or the plan is flawed. In both cases you want to tread carefully...


Obviously this is crucial, since the entire business model pivots on the duplication of a proven plan. It is thus extremely important to make sure that the company you are considering has ongoing training and support measures in place. A particularly important new criteria in this area is the company's (or at the very least your prospective upline's) positive attitude to change if things are not working properly after sufficient trial. This I found to be particularly lacking in the traditional dinosaurs, err... giants...


It goes without saying that a company that is viable for the 21st century absolutely embraces the power of the internet for building the networks required to drive network marketing success, but also be sensitive and responsive to the changing sensibilities of the market. In other words, the methodology is one thing, but the tactics and thinking might have to be reconsidered often, because things tend to change very quickly in this, the information age. You also need to make sure that your proposed company will allow you enough freedom to truly 'make the business your own' by means of self-branding, etc. So, make sure you're asking the right questions!


It would be difficult to find a truly emerging MLM company in an emerging market today, but that would be first price for getting the "ground floor" advantage, which is undeniably valuable - just take a look at the Jim Rohns of the world and their network marketing success... A word of caution though: You probably do not want to be member number 3 or 10. Even if a company is young, if it is solid, there WILL be some information available outside of the company itself. Find that info! If you can't find any, you should be concerned. The other important aspect of Timing would be the desirability of a particular product in a particular economic and social climate.

Taking all of this into account, I suppose first price at this point would be a relatively young but solid MLM launching with a product line that increases in value over time, has virtually no competition in- or outside of MLM, and enters a new market! I happen to know about one just like this right here in Australia.

So, after this rather large mouthful, I hope that you are better equipped to choose your (next) MLM company for Network Marketing Success!

Just as a matter of record: I absolutely believe in the strength of the purity of a 'helping people help people' model, but I also live in the real world. I know how hard it can be to stay the course and make sense of the myriad of information and the 'be profitable tonight' promises out there.

So, my final advice is to take a deep breath, and ask all the question you need to ask, and then some. And if your heart is not happy, STOP, until your heart is at peace with your mind's decision. But when BOTH ARE HAPPY, GO FOR IT! Or you'll always regret not knowing.

Until next time,

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The Truth Regarding The Best Network Marketing Companies!

Deciding which of the best network marketing companies is right for you can seem overwhelming at first. Each unique company offers different products and compensation plans. In order to be able to select the appropriate company, it is vital to execute proper research strategies.

Network marketing is a unique beast in the business world. Many people may not grasp the intricacies of this marketing niche initially, but I'm positive that a little bit of self-education can remedy this confusion for all. So how do you self educate?

Learning how to Gauge a Company

Luckily for modern entrepreneurs, the internet contains vast libraries of content related to a number of the best network marketing companies. By using the world-wide-web to look into these companies, potential network marketers can delve in to pages of reviews and testimonials.

This initial research should definitely get you a feel for a company's direction and make-up. Another extremely effective research strategy to choose the right company is to pick the brain of an existing marketer. By doing so, you can truly get a feel for the day-to-day tasks you may be getting yourself into.

By initially using the internet as a research tool, you will be armed and ready to ask an existing marketer a myriad of useful queries. You wouldn't apply for a traditional job without firmly understanding the position. So why would network marketing be any different?

A Progressive Industry

Unfortunately, the companies in this industry often are not talked about in social settings without a roll of the eyes from a listener. This is the results of years of misunderstanding and misinformation. The negative connotation associated with this progressive industry which has been caused by a couple of bad egg companies and marketers who just simply did not work the system.

By performing the proper research mentioned previously, you can be sure that your experience with one of the best network marketing companies is free of confusion, schemes, or scams. The internet and it's seemingly infinite accessibility have made schemes and scams far more difficult to pull off. One bad review can go viral and expose irresponsible con artists.

The Pyramid confusion!

We've all heard rumblings of pyramid-shaped business models. For whatever reason, mentioning of a "pyramid" scares off countless potential successful entrepreneurs. The best companies in the industry are in fact shaped like a pyramid.

All this means is that marketers are rewarded with residual income which is earned from the efforts of marketers they personally recruited. I'm not sure where the scam supposedly comes in? If you think about it, most companies are pyramid-shaped.

The bosses at the top of any company are reaping the benefits of their workers below. Network marketing is not a scam or scheme. It is simply a form of business in which the middle man is dismissed and quality products are brought directly to targeted potential consumers. Don't allow unwarranted rumors to distract you from aligning with one of the best network marketing companies that can potentially increase your income and your freedom.

Free Isn't Necessarily a Good Price

I was an image consultant in a previous life. We used to give away free makeovers as a way to generate business. At first, I thought this was a great idea, and I found it pretty easy to book these appointments. What I often found, however (probably more than 50% of the time), was that people either cancelled, rescheduled, or just plain didn't bother to show up for the actual appointment. Sometimes they didn't even bother to call and say they wouldn't be there. It just wasn't important enough to them, because the perceived value of what they were getting from me was zero and they had no investment in the appointment.

Do you ever wonder why people sign up for your business, buy a starter kit, and then never do anything? It happens for the same reason. The average price for a starter kit in our industry is less than $150.00 (and some companies make it easy to earn the kit for nothing). We proudly tout the fact that you can start your business for under two hundreds bucks. It's a blessing and a curse.

The perceived value for someone making such a low investment is virtually non-existent, and so their commitment to their business can easily follow suit. I'm currently coaching with a leader of a direct sales company who is working through this issue right now. She's been with the company since it first began and has had great success. Her company recently moved from a distributorship model (where new representatives had to make a sizable investment in inventory in order to get started) to a pure party plan model, where the starter kit is $199.00. She's very concerned about how she'll build a strong team of intentional leaders without the commitment that comes with a large investment.

It's a fair concern. Here's what I'm working with her on. What you're selling isn't the starter kit. It's the business and the earning potential that's represented in that kit. Most people who say "yes" to your opportunity don't have a clue about what they're truly getting when that box arrives on their doorstep. It's your job, as their recruiter, to really communicate to them the true opportunity they're holding in their hands as they begin their business.

Not sure how to do that? Here are a few ideas:

  • Ask them some general questions about what they love and what's most important to them in their life so you become more familiar with their dreams and passions.
  • Ask them questions (based on that information) about what they'd like to change or improve in their lives, which gets you (and them) clear about their "why."
  • Ask them what would change in their lives if they could improve the area of their life they've identified (helping them really see what's possible with your opportunity).
  • Share with them your own and others' success story, including pay stubs and specifics about how your opportunity has been life changing.

You have to create the value for those brand new representatives, and that starts with understanding where they're coming from. It takes some time, but if you're serious about building your business and growing a team of committed people, it's essential. Get clear about what you're really offering when you share your opportunity, and start selling that instead of your starter kit.

Top 4 Online Jobs to Work Right From Home

During the recent years work from home jobs are becoming popular. Work from home jobs are completely easy to do from your comfort zone. These jobs are not only flexible but also pay well. Online jobs provide plenty of benefits and help to earn your butter and bread. Different types of online jobs are available and here we will have a look at some of the top work from home jobs.


It is an era of internet and every business wants attractive content to promote their online business. Demand for content writers are increasing and if you are skilled enough to write quality article, blogs, press releases, web content, etc then you can start to work right from home. Know the area of expertise whether it is sports, lifestyle, technology, health, etc.

If you have a passion towards writing then it is fun to blog and write article on different topics. You can earn from $5 to $20 per post. Even students who have a flair for writing can do part time writing works from home and start earning. In some cases the written article must be rewritten with the same idea rephrasing the sentence. As a writer you must research well before wring the article to ensure it is interesting for the audience.

If you are from a technical background then you can become a technical writer and start writing on technical stuffs. Documentation, writing for technical journals

(2)Web developer and designer

Information technology is the area which is getting developed enormously during the recent years. As a website developer or designer you need to perform various works including website design, coding, template modifications, hosting, etc. There are various online sites where you can find openings for freelance website developer and designer.

(3)Travel agents

During the last decade the travel industry has seen a robust growth. There are so many scams in travel industry but still there are reliable agents for whom you can work as a home based travel agent. You need not work continuously instead you can work during leisure time. Queries of customers have to be answered either through online or over phone. As a travel agent you can achieve your monetary goals without difficulty.


If you are fluent in one or more language then you can start working as a translator. You need to translate audio files or documents to any specific language. When you translate it is essential to keep cultural difference in mind.

When you consider any work from home job you have to consider few things

(a)The company you plan to work is a reliable one. You can check online for information about the company.

(b)Enquire to them about the payment methods and how often do they pay.

This news article is brought to you by GARAGE STORAGE IDEAS - where latest news are our top priority.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Polaris Media Builds For the Future

If you find it hard to believe that a multilevel marketing (MLM) company can help you achieve a $10,000 commission check with one transaction you might be surprised to learn that Polaris Media Group is advertising just that. With the company's two-up style pay plan, distributors are supposedly able to make big money in the business of personal development.

What Do They Do?

Polaris Media sells personal and professional development products that range in price from $30 to $15,000. They sell DVDs, books, workshops, and conferences. The group's mission is to help people attain the level of career independence and financial freedom that only entrepreneurship can truly provide. Some of their noted programs are the home based study program, Beyond Freedom, and the series, Departure, Decision, and Action.

About Polaris Media Group

If you've heard of the company, Liberty League, chances are you've already heard of Polaris Media Group. The company was founded by Shane Krider, the entrepreneur who co-founded Liberty League before the group got themselves into trouble after government investigations into claims they were scamming network marketers. There isn't much information out on the web about them just yet but from what little I was able to gather, Polaris Media have learnt from mistakes made at Liberty League. They appear to be a legitimate group with a real product to sell.

Profit Plan

Being a top tier program the company pays big commissions when a sale is made. Up to $10,000 can be made from just one person signing up for their top package, providing that the rep is qualified to receive the top commissions (there are four levels of compensation).

Scam or Investment?

It's early yet to tell how things will work out with Polaris Media. It's difficult in any economy to count on stable sales of high-ticket items, and more so when people really know very little about the company. The best practice for any network marketer is to complete a thorough review into any MLM's products, training systems, and profit plan before making the decision to commit.

Training Program

The training program offered by the company is simple yet effective. If you're passionate about helping individuals obtain their personal and professional success through Polaris Media's set of tools, you owe it to yourself to get a solid marketing strategy in place. As always, follow the advise of your team leader - do exactly what they say.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Moving Forward With Ken Dunn

Network marketing guru Ken Dunn has launched four, multi-million dollar businesses in the last six years.

Obtaining success and financial freedom was no cakewalk for Dunn who had $250,000 worth of credit debt, a mortgage, and car payments when he began his multilevel marketing (MLM) career.

The catalyst for a change in lifestyle arrived with the birth of his son in 2001. Dunn took a friend's advice and looked into join a direct sales business. Ken Dunn's decision has made him millions of dollars and the kind of financial freedom the 15 year veteran of the police force could not have imagined.

Secret to Success

There is no secret, says Dunn unless you consider being the best person you can be a secret. Dunn's success has sparked a lot of attention over the years and as network marketers continued to pick Dunn's brain, he decided to create the Secrets of Simplicity website to answer people's inquiries into what he was doing right. According to Dunn, successful marketers continually ask themselves how they can be a better person rather than when to make a cold call.

Not All Plain Sailing

Although it is clear that Ken Dunn is a great marketer, he has had his ups and downs, like anyone else. For instance, in 2004 he had a massive wake up call. After building a successful network marketing business all of his leaders left him, citing his dictator like management style as the cause. This was a huge shock, and in turn forced him to change his leadership style.

Another unpleasant experience occurred several years ago. Although he was having great success with his then current company, Max International, he had a falling out with management which in turn led to court action. Fortunately the dispute was finally resolved to the satisfaction of both parties.

Dunn on Leadership

After his top executives left him in 2004 (as discussed), Dunn got the message. He began studying great leaders around the world picking up his leadership model along the way. Today, Ken Dunn attracts the brightest stars in the MLM industry and has a team of more than 100,000 people working in his down line.

Philosophy on Leadership

First and foremost, Dunn encourages network marketers to focus on improving themselves rather than on improving the size of their pocketbooks. The personal characteristics Dunn say drives business success? Action that is mutual to people like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and Warren Buffett.

1. Be both a mentor and a mentee.

2. Be the best at your core job.

3. Know what drives you.

4. Communicate professionally.

5. Be confident.

6. Be conscientious but multitask.

7. Draw people to you.

8. Earn loyalty and trust through serving others.

9. Live for now.

10. Take action.

Keep it Simple

According to Dunn, building a six figure income involves taking action- simple as that. There is no magic formula, method, or strategy to being an MLM rock star other than being the best leader you can be. Although he continues to actively build his business (currently he is with Evolv Health), increasingly he is taking on the role of mentor, which is the essence of leadership.

Ken Dunn's style is not for everyone - he is a driven individual with an aggressive style. Nevertheless many people can likely benefit from an association with a top leader like him.

This news article is brought to you by FEAR OF COMMITMENT - where latest news are our top priority.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Why MLM Attraction Marketing Will Fail Big Time If You Don't Play The Numbers Game

Old school marketing was not all bad at least for those that had the guts to stick with it and come out on the other side. An old school phrase that has stuck in my mind over the years is, "Anybody can do it." Well I suppose that is entirely true if we were all made the same, but we're not, and it seems that we all have to learn the hard way, to even be remotely successful in our MLM attraction marketing business.

Let me illustrate how human nature is our own worst enemy. We attend a rally and are totally inspired as the 6 and 7 figure leaders share their success stories about how they got to the top. They share step by step what they did to make it, and then we are upset when we get home and nothing changes in our business. If the truth were known, we tend to pick and chose and wonder why nothing happens. It is easy to fall into a mindset that says winners are some how born with a slight edge, which attributed to their success. Which is true, but only if we refuse to follow their example.

So what is the, "The Numbers Game," and how important are numbers to any MLM attraction marketing business. This industry has had many phenomenally successful leaders over the years, and most of them will tell you that their success was directly proportional to the number of contacts they made each and every day. They will tell you that it's all in the numbers; it's as simple as that. What we are really talking about is leads. Without leads and lots of them you do not have a business, period.

What prompted me to come up with this post was after listening to Ray Higdon's webinar, taken from his recently released "Master Sponsoring Series" on growing your own business. On One of his slides he showed what he does every day to grow his business.

Here is the list and you be the judge as to which one is the most difficult to carry off, but possibly the most powerful.

1. Create 1 piece of content every single day as a Blog, Article, or Video. (I can do that; I'm doing it as I write now).

2. Average 30 minutes per day on marketing. (I can do that if I get my act together).

3. Average 15-30 minutes per day on mindset. (A good idea but do I think it is important enough to really matter).

4. Affirmations, what he calls the why questions. (I will have to figure out what he really means by that).

5. Make connections with 20 people per day. (This is the real kicker and the one that puts fear in some hearts).

Doing this list every day put Ray at the top of his game in his MLM attraction marketing business. The question is who is willing to do what Ray was willing to do? It worked for Ray Higdon. Logic tells me if it worked for Ray Higdon it should work for anyone willing to do what he did. Stay away from the biggest trap for failure by thinking that all winners have a leg up on the rest of us.