Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Success in Network Marketing: Success Strategy No 6 - Manage Procrastination

It may not be you, but someone in your downline is likely struggling with the ill effects of procrastination on their business. This article will explore the causes of procrastination and provide some effective tools for turning this habit from a liability to an asset.

What is Procrastination?

To understand why people procrastinate, it is useful to first understand what procrastination really is. The word "procrastination" comes from the Latin "procrastinare," meaning "to put off until tomorrow." Most of us think of it as putting off things we know we should do, things that have at least some degree of importance in our lives.

The important thing to understand is that procrastination is not a cause, but an effect. More specifically, people procrastinate in order to try to take control over specific areas of their lives. It is first and foremost an avoidance strategy. It can manifest itself through a wide range of behaviors that go beyond simple laziness. Perhaps the most insidious of these behaviors fall in the category of creative avoidance. Some call this the "but first" phenomenon in which it appears the person is going to take action but keeps finding other activities that need to be completed first. This is also sometimes called "getting ready to get ready." The insidious nature of the creative avoidance behaviors are such that the person can convince themselves they are actually being productive rather than simply staying busy.

Why People Procrastinate

People procrastinate in order to avoid things like unpleasantness, failure, rejection, struggle, even success. If you never call a prospect or go to a meet-up, you never have to worry about not knowing what to say or being rejected. If you never introduce your business to anyone, you will never be told no. Of course, you will never have a successful business either.

Procrastination is what is sometimes referred to as an "away from" strategy. People procrastinate in order to move away from things they do not want. And in this lies the clue to successfully managing procrastination.

Managing Procrastination with the Law of Attraction

The strategies and techniques developed around the Law of Attraction are an effective means of managing procrastination. According to the Law of Attraction, you attract the things to which you give your attention, energy, and focus. So, if you are focused on things you do not want, like rejection and even procrastination, you will attract more of that into your life.

Simply by changing your focus and giving your attention and energy to the things you do want, you will begin to attract more of those things instead. Through this process, your commitment to your goals will become stronger than your tendency to procrastinate.

You may have noticed that I have been discussing how to manage procrastination rather than eliminate it entirely. That is because you have probably been procrastinating for a long time and have probably gotten really good at it. Why just throw away such a finely honed skill? Instead, you can turn it into an asset. Simply begin to "put off until tomorrow" (or even for just an hour or two) those things that do not lead you to achieving your goals. Why not put off watching television for an hour one evening and spend the time prospecting instead? You are probably pretty good at putting things off. Why not put off all of the behaviors that are holding you back?

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