Saturday, May 26, 2012

Why MLM Attraction Marketing Will Fail Big Time If You Don't Play The Numbers Game

Old school marketing was not all bad at least for those that had the guts to stick with it and come out on the other side. An old school phrase that has stuck in my mind over the years is, "Anybody can do it." Well I suppose that is entirely true if we were all made the same, but we're not, and it seems that we all have to learn the hard way, to even be remotely successful in our MLM attraction marketing business.

Let me illustrate how human nature is our own worst enemy. We attend a rally and are totally inspired as the 6 and 7 figure leaders share their success stories about how they got to the top. They share step by step what they did to make it, and then we are upset when we get home and nothing changes in our business. If the truth were known, we tend to pick and chose and wonder why nothing happens. It is easy to fall into a mindset that says winners are some how born with a slight edge, which attributed to their success. Which is true, but only if we refuse to follow their example.

So what is the, "The Numbers Game," and how important are numbers to any MLM attraction marketing business. This industry has had many phenomenally successful leaders over the years, and most of them will tell you that their success was directly proportional to the number of contacts they made each and every day. They will tell you that it's all in the numbers; it's as simple as that. What we are really talking about is leads. Without leads and lots of them you do not have a business, period.

What prompted me to come up with this post was after listening to Ray Higdon's webinar, taken from his recently released "Master Sponsoring Series" on growing your own business. On One of his slides he showed what he does every day to grow his business.

Here is the list and you be the judge as to which one is the most difficult to carry off, but possibly the most powerful.

1. Create 1 piece of content every single day as a Blog, Article, or Video. (I can do that; I'm doing it as I write now).

2. Average 30 minutes per day on marketing. (I can do that if I get my act together).

3. Average 15-30 minutes per day on mindset. (A good idea but do I think it is important enough to really matter).

4. Affirmations, what he calls the why questions. (I will have to figure out what he really means by that).

5. Make connections with 20 people per day. (This is the real kicker and the one that puts fear in some hearts).

Doing this list every day put Ray at the top of his game in his MLM attraction marketing business. The question is who is willing to do what Ray was willing to do? It worked for Ray Higdon. Logic tells me if it worked for Ray Higdon it should work for anyone willing to do what he did. Stay away from the biggest trap for failure by thinking that all winners have a leg up on the rest of us.

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