Monday, May 28, 2012

Polaris Media Builds For the Future

If you find it hard to believe that a multilevel marketing (MLM) company can help you achieve a $10,000 commission check with one transaction you might be surprised to learn that Polaris Media Group is advertising just that. With the company's two-up style pay plan, distributors are supposedly able to make big money in the business of personal development.

What Do They Do?

Polaris Media sells personal and professional development products that range in price from $30 to $15,000. They sell DVDs, books, workshops, and conferences. The group's mission is to help people attain the level of career independence and financial freedom that only entrepreneurship can truly provide. Some of their noted programs are the home based study program, Beyond Freedom, and the series, Departure, Decision, and Action.

About Polaris Media Group

If you've heard of the company, Liberty League, chances are you've already heard of Polaris Media Group. The company was founded by Shane Krider, the entrepreneur who co-founded Liberty League before the group got themselves into trouble after government investigations into claims they were scamming network marketers. There isn't much information out on the web about them just yet but from what little I was able to gather, Polaris Media have learnt from mistakes made at Liberty League. They appear to be a legitimate group with a real product to sell.

Profit Plan

Being a top tier program the company pays big commissions when a sale is made. Up to $10,000 can be made from just one person signing up for their top package, providing that the rep is qualified to receive the top commissions (there are four levels of compensation).

Scam or Investment?

It's early yet to tell how things will work out with Polaris Media. It's difficult in any economy to count on stable sales of high-ticket items, and more so when people really know very little about the company. The best practice for any network marketer is to complete a thorough review into any MLM's products, training systems, and profit plan before making the decision to commit.

Training Program

The training program offered by the company is simple yet effective. If you're passionate about helping individuals obtain their personal and professional success through Polaris Media's set of tools, you owe it to yourself to get a solid marketing strategy in place. As always, follow the advise of your team leader - do exactly what they say.

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