Sunday, May 27, 2012

Moving Forward With Ken Dunn

Network marketing guru Ken Dunn has launched four, multi-million dollar businesses in the last six years.

Obtaining success and financial freedom was no cakewalk for Dunn who had $250,000 worth of credit debt, a mortgage, and car payments when he began his multilevel marketing (MLM) career.

The catalyst for a change in lifestyle arrived with the birth of his son in 2001. Dunn took a friend's advice and looked into join a direct sales business. Ken Dunn's decision has made him millions of dollars and the kind of financial freedom the 15 year veteran of the police force could not have imagined.

Secret to Success

There is no secret, says Dunn unless you consider being the best person you can be a secret. Dunn's success has sparked a lot of attention over the years and as network marketers continued to pick Dunn's brain, he decided to create the Secrets of Simplicity website to answer people's inquiries into what he was doing right. According to Dunn, successful marketers continually ask themselves how they can be a better person rather than when to make a cold call.

Not All Plain Sailing

Although it is clear that Ken Dunn is a great marketer, he has had his ups and downs, like anyone else. For instance, in 2004 he had a massive wake up call. After building a successful network marketing business all of his leaders left him, citing his dictator like management style as the cause. This was a huge shock, and in turn forced him to change his leadership style.

Another unpleasant experience occurred several years ago. Although he was having great success with his then current company, Max International, he had a falling out with management which in turn led to court action. Fortunately the dispute was finally resolved to the satisfaction of both parties.

Dunn on Leadership

After his top executives left him in 2004 (as discussed), Dunn got the message. He began studying great leaders around the world picking up his leadership model along the way. Today, Ken Dunn attracts the brightest stars in the MLM industry and has a team of more than 100,000 people working in his down line.

Philosophy on Leadership

First and foremost, Dunn encourages network marketers to focus on improving themselves rather than on improving the size of their pocketbooks. The personal characteristics Dunn say drives business success? Action that is mutual to people like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and Warren Buffett.

1. Be both a mentor and a mentee.

2. Be the best at your core job.

3. Know what drives you.

4. Communicate professionally.

5. Be confident.

6. Be conscientious but multitask.

7. Draw people to you.

8. Earn loyalty and trust through serving others.

9. Live for now.

10. Take action.

Keep it Simple

According to Dunn, building a six figure income involves taking action- simple as that. There is no magic formula, method, or strategy to being an MLM rock star other than being the best leader you can be. Although he continues to actively build his business (currently he is with Evolv Health), increasingly he is taking on the role of mentor, which is the essence of leadership.

Ken Dunn's style is not for everyone - he is a driven individual with an aggressive style. Nevertheless many people can likely benefit from an association with a top leader like him.

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