Wednesday, May 30, 2012

How Can You Double Your Business Income in 12 Months?

Can you double your business income in the next 12 months?

What are 3 specific actions you can take today that will lead you to double your income in the next 12 months? Are you using all the power that is currently at your disposal? Do you know the power that is available to you? Find out the 3 top secrets to doubling your income in just 12 months or less.

Secret # 1: FREE!

Find a way to use the "Power of Free" in your business now. Nothing attracts like the most powerful word in marketing, the word "free." The best way to do this is by giving away something of value as part of your marketing effort. It doesn't mean the thing of value must cost you money or much money. When you give something of value for nothing and without requiring anything in return, people are more likely to listen to you when you approach them.

Secret # 2: Ask for referrals before you say anything!

Nothing takes the sting out of approaching a prospect like NOT approaching a prospect. Simply start by asking: "Do you know anyone who may be looking for a solid business income?" As soon as you say this or something like it, you have taken the pressure off the prospect to accept or reject what you're going to say next because you have taken them out of your cross hairs. They relax and you relax. Tell them what you have and wait for an answer.

Secret # 3: Always make it all about THEM (not you).

Making it about them when you're forming a relationship means asking questions, listening to answers sincerely and asking more questions. They will LOVE YOU for it! This is harder to do than it sounds. You must practice it!

Making it all about them when you're presenting your product is to sell the benefits of owning your product. If your product has little or no benefit for the end-user, find another product! Don't mistake features for benefits.

Let's say you're selling high-end pots and pans. The features are stainless steel construction with a double wall and a special no-stick coating.

The benefits to the user of them would be even heat so that you can cook at lower heat settings and keep the goodness and flavor of the food. That will give the user a great tasting and healthy meal. Clean up time would be saved because of the special no-stick coating.

An easy way to remember this is, "Always make it about them" no matter what you're doing. It's simple human nature that we all are most interested in ourselves and the benefits we will receive from owning or doing anything, right? Your prospect doesn't care about you or much of anything else but what is in it for them.


To double your business income in 12 months you must use all 3 Top Income Secrets together and with massive action! What is massive action? For example, if you're using sizzle cards don't make 500, make 5,000 and set a deadline to get them out.

Only massive action will get you where you want to go. A little bit effort will never you get anywhere except frustrated.

What should you do next?

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