Thursday, May 31, 2012

Success in Network Marketing Is Simply Showing the Plan

I'm writing this article out of my own experience. I have started in network marketing about 2 years ago and have been through my own gauntlet. In the beginning, I kept purchasing e-books, various courses, and online products all designed to give one success within their network marketing business. After fumbling around with countless affiliate products and online marketing systems, I came to one conclusion.

To be success in your network marketing business, just show the plan.

There really is nothing more to it than that. Whatever the presentation is for your business, just simply find ways to get eyeballs on it. People will either join or not. There was a study done in Germany with door to door insurance salesman. They were told to go door to door and do everything wrong when trying to sell insurance. What they found was that 1 out of 56 home owners bought the insurance.

That being said success is simply showing the plan. People will say yes or no. No in same cases can mean "not right now" but it usually means in most cases "no." You should spend 80% of your time focusing on connecting with new people and presenting the plan and about 20% of the time following up with previous contacts.

I've heard it said that the "fortune is in the follow up" and I agree with that because sometimes people can't afford to join your opportunity but they may really want to or just maybe want to see how you do with it for a bit. I say keep those guys in mind but always put more effort in connecting with new people and you will never be disappointed.

Just keep showing the plan how ever you can and don't worry about the "no's" that you get. For every person who tells you no, there are 10 more out there who want what you have to offer. There is no magic to making your network marketing business work. You must have the confidence in your business and yourself above all else.

If your attitude is right, then nothing else matters. If you know what you want, then there is nothing but time from now and when you will obtain it. Just simply show the plan. Your goal should be when showing the plan is to set or schedule another meeting and show another plan. Don't concentrate or focus on signing people up. Just focus on showing the plan!

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