Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The 10 Attributes of Successful Network Marketers: Do You Have Them?

I was sitting at home the other day and I asked myself the question what is it that makes successful network marketers? What characteristics and habits do they have that set them apart from all other networkers?

Well I thought long and hard and I came up with 10 attributes that all the leaders have which have contributed to their success. If you can manage to acquire these 10 attributes, it's only a matter of time before you start hitting those top ranks in your company (BTW these are in no particular order; just 10 essential traits)-

1. An understanding that if you give value to the marketplace you will be rewarded accordingly. The more you give, the more you will eventually receive through the law of reciprocity.

2. It is a blessing that other people create courses and write books that are of great value. All their knowledge and trial and error packed into a course/book for you to have. The expensive lessons learned and the costly mistakes made are revealed to you for a small fee/investment as compared to what they had to go through. Be very thankful for it.

3. Discipline and consistency creates success. Success takes time and persistence. There's no get rich quick for sustained wealth. Some get rich quick and those are lucky. Very few times do they retain their wealth and they end up losing it all. If you want solid wealth, get consistent and disciplined in your actions every day. Create a daily routine and stick with it for a year and you will see that your income will skyrocket.

4. Having a strong enough why gets you through the hard times. Without a strong enough why, your short term pumped-upedness (not sure that's a word) and motivation will fade away. The only way to prevent this is to have a strong enough why. The vast majority of networkers don't have this core principle down and so they end up quitting after a couple of months because they don't have a enough why behind their actions.

5. Know, deep down, that you are good enough. You can't recruit 30 people a month and earn 5 figures a month if you don't sincerely, deep down believe that you deserve it. If there's doubt in your mind, you will subconsciously sabotage yourself. You have to see yourself as an equal to the big-time earners and gurus in this industry. You can't attain what you think is esoteric. Nothing wrong with admiring them, but always recognizing that they are just another person and that they struggled just like you. Have confidence in yourself to know that you have true value to offer to the marketplace and that you deserve to earn 5 figures a month.

6. Always focus on improving yourself and learning daily. Always looking to strive for more and taking your success to the next level. You can not lead if you have nothing of value to offer. Do whatever it takes to become a better person. Gain a skill that you can pass on to your downline so they can implement what you are good at. Improve yourself and you will see that you will have more people wanting to follow you.

7. Taking responsibility for every single thing in your life. Not just what is convenient for you. Even those things that may seem most removed from you, take responsibility for them. Everything you get mad or angry at take responsibility for. No one controls your actions and emotions. Only you do. Own up to your mistakes, to your success, and everything in between. Frustration, anger, sadness, happiness is all your doing. No one forces you to be sad or mad or happy. You do that to yourself. The more responsibility you start taking in your life the more success you will have, and the more of a leader you will exemplify.

8. Get honest with yourself and with everybody around you. The more honest you are about your strengths, your weaknesses, your life in general, the faster you can figure out how to get to success. That's with yourself. With others, the more straightforward and transparent you can be the more people will see you as a leader. People appreciate others being brutally honest and transparent with them. They may not necessarily like it, but they do respect it. And that's exactly what you want. You want to polarize people into liking you or not liking you. Having indifferent readers gets you nowhere.

9. You have to have composure especially in this industry and being online all the time. Leaders are always laser focused on what they need to do. They don't go around jumping from one product to the next searching for that one solution that will answer all their problems. Leaders know that must make a decision and stay the course until they get results. They don't get overly excited or jump to another opportunity because it's "ground floor". They keep their composure and stick with the fundamentals of improving every single day and helping others. Slow and steady wins the race.

10. Understand that at the end of the day network marketing is a people business. With the internet, the misconception is that you no longer have to call your prospects. That you can just take them through a funnel and hopefully sign them up that way. Well I have a bit of a reality check for you: unless you are an absolute master marketer, you can not build a business this way. And if you do, it will take more time than if you were to simply call your prospects. Results in network marketing via the internet are slower. Talking to a person face to face and having them know that you are a real person greatly increases your chances of success in network marketing.

And besides, most people go to the internet in the first place because they are afraid of having to talk to people about their business. This fear is no recipe for success and is not indicative of a leader in this industry. Man up and get on the phone.

I am sure I'm missing some here but these are a good start and most networkers haven't even begun with half of these so it would be a good idea to work on these for now. When you have these attributes in place it's only a matter of time before you start seeing results because at this point you are ready to handle success. The only question is how long and hard will you be willing to struggle acquire these attributes?

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