Friday, June 1, 2012

How To Get Autopilot MLM Sales and Network Marketing Leads From Twitter

In all honesty, I can say without doubt that Twitter has completely changed my network marketing business on the internet.

To begin with, Twitter is a powerful tool for a network marketer because it offers tremendous leverage while allowing you to keep costs down. There is no longer a need for you to learn endless SEO techniques and writing articles day after day to drive meager traffic to your content. In addition, writing keyword stuffed SEO content may not be an attraction for you.

Enter Social Media Darling Called Twitter

If you have been keeping your eye on the trend lately, search engine optimization is on its last leg. That's why the boys at the big Google are alarmed of social media challengers like Facebook and Twitter, whose combined traffic surpasses easily that of Google.

It is quite frustrating to find yourself to have dropped to the bottom of the search results every time Google rolls out an update named after an animal. Hmm... Panda and Penguin Anyone? (I'm laughing at all the SEO gurus) I would rather sleep well at night rather than to constantly click all over the pages tab to where all my rankings have fallen.

Funded proposals are great, but if you have social proof that backs up your sales or coaching programs that is going to give your MLM prospects the signal that they should by. We by nature, like to do things that other people do. So having that social proof is an absolute requirement and no longer an option for your online MLM Business.

What matters most is that you connect your original unique content to thousands of Twitter followers who are already interested in your opportunity and are willing to take a look at it.

Is Your Network Marketing Business Standing Still?

Many eager marketers get hosting accounts and blogs in their efforts to recruit others into their network marketing opportunity. They think that just by putting out great content everyday that they will magically get visitors coming to their blog and it is by far the flawed thinking.

Just think of it this way. Imagine your blog or sales page as a water pitcher. You cannot expect to fetch water if you just leave your jug by the side. You have to hold it up to the gushing source so you can fill your vessel. Same with traffic. More traffic gets leads, sales and cash for your MLM.

Since I started Twitter Marketing, I have seen a 32% increase in overall traffic and 18% increase in sales and lead flow every day. For helping other marketers to get started, I've created a free 45 minute tutorials on how to get targeted MLM 300k+ followers on Twitter. Click the link in resource box for details.

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