Thursday, June 7, 2012

Many People Want to Earn Money Online

Many people do want to earn money online, but like Jack Nicholson says, "They can't handle the truth!" The secret to making money online is that you have to work. Ta-dah! I've put it out there - you have to work!

And you have to work at the right activities. It is a fallacy to think that you are going to come across some digital scratch off ticket and explode your way into the land of wealth. If you want to earn money online it is imperative that you do not waste your time on Activity vs. Productivity.

Activity looks good; productivity pays good.

The sad thing about the amazing opportunity to excel online is that in many cases internet newbies or people who want something for nothing, are invited to "the big dance" by charlatans. These people have mastered the art of fooling the needy and the greedy and by throwing up a slick sales page they attract the innocent and unsuspecting like a siren's call.

Just because people say, "I want to earn money online," that doesn't mean they should be subjected to all sorts of shenanigans. When these seekers enter the online arena often they are in a vulnerable state. They are putting their proverbial toe in the internet waters after hearing story upon story about people making fortunes online, from the convenience of their home.

If you really want to earn money online, be advised of these five truths:

1. All that glitters is not gold. Slick, shiny, glitzy sales have no connection to your relative success with the advertised program.

2. Systems that do not allow you to talk to a real person beyond submitting a support ticket - not a good sign. Even though you are online, building a business should still have a human element to it and the leadership shouldn't hide behind "support tickets".

3. Making money online may not be easy but it can be simple, if you find the right vehicle.

4. Start ups. Ground floor opportunities. In theory these look great to the passing observer. Who wouldn't want to make money online with a brand new, exciting company ready to take the Internet by storm? In practice, many of these companies end up imploding from too much hype and not enough infrastructure. The internet world has seen many CEOs leave town in the middle of the night, their pockets stuffed with newbie money.

5. Mentorship. This concept outweighs all others. If you can connect with someone who knows how it is done and is willing to show you... What else could a seeker ask for?

Many people want to earn money online, but starting the right way makes all the difference, and will not send people scampering away and fearful of one of the most powerful tools of all time.

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