Monday, June 18, 2012

Network Marketing (MLM) Prospecting and Recruiting Tips

Prospecting and recruiting is an essential part of building a MLM business. The MLM industry is based on relationships between people. When representatives join your business they are joining based on their relationship with you, not your company. One of the first things you need to do is to develop a process to recruit new representatives. This process is one that you will use both online and offline. Then become a master of the process where you can effortlessly recruit new representatives in your business. The following are several tips to use while developing your process.

Prospecting and Recruiting Tips

Building Rapport. Be very personable when you make first contact with your prospect. Call them by name because people love it and it can make them more open to your approach. If you do not know their name, then ask them for it and then you use it. Start a conversation about their family, job or recreation. Use what you know about the person or what you can see about the person to start the conversation. The objective here is to tap into what is important to the prospect.

Don't Push. If the prospect is not open or ready to listen to your presentation do not push them. Ask them to setup a time for follow up. Get contact information if necessary, thank them and move on.

Be Present During the Presentation. Make sure your presentation comes across as natural as possible. A good way to ensure this happens is to be present in mind and spirit when you are presenting. Put all your focus on the prospect and the presentation during this time. Present from the prospect's point of view, in other words focus on what is important to the prospect and how you can help solve the problem.

Present Your Opportunity. Once you know what your prospect is looking for, then you can present you business opportunity. If they are looking for ways to more efficiently recruit people into their business you present your funded proposal opportunity. If the prospect is looking to join a MLM business then you present your primary MLM opportunity.

Call to Action. At this point you ask the prospect to make a decision on either your funded proposal opportunity or your primary MLM opportunity. If the customer is ready, close immediately.

Follow Up. Remember, this business is about building relationships; therefore, follow up is important. Follow up with prospects - those that wanted to talk later and those that could not make a decision right away. Also, touch base with those that sign up with you to show them how to get started.

Talking to people on the telephone and in person is an important part of building an MLM business. Therefore, make prospecting and recruiting your first area of mastery.

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