Monday, June 11, 2012

If You're A Marketer You Need To Know About Penguin

What is Penguin And How Will It Affect Marketers and Businesses Online

You may or may not be aware of changes that Google has made to the way in which they promote searches within the search engine.

I guess this is to ensure that their integrity remains intact, after all they are the best search engine in the world and it is all on the way in which they carefully guard the algorithm used to ensure the searches inputted return results that are accurate for their clients.

However, there are SEO experts who make it their business to track how websites perform based on keywords, backlinks etc, and make educated guesses as to what Google uses in their algorithm which then helps them to manipulate the algorithm so that their clients websites get more traffic and perform better than other similar websites.

Let's face it more traffic does equal more sales, and many website owners have the main objective of generating traffic to collect leads to then translate into more sales and income.

How Penguin affects website owners is that it attempts to identify and punish efforts to manipulate its algorithm.

In short those websites that use money keywords a lot, and those that have a load of backlinks pointing to their sites, especially those that are from outside of their market niche and those that use keywords in a totally artificial way, are going to be punished by not having as much traffic driven to their sites. Posting duplicate contents in order that you can post to different places frequently is also to be punished. This is great as it is protecting honest bloggers against spammers who steal content from other sites and put it out there as their own.

Google wants to ensure that their searches return the best information for their clients.

What to do about Penguin and Google changes

The causes of Google Penguin affecting you have been outlined above, so with that look at your content and links.

Some have said that joining tribes can have a negative affect on your website as tribes provide syndication or back linking can be seen as manipulating search engine searches. However, if syndication is done responsibly, this should not affect your website. Ensure you have signed up with a reputable tribe and that you read the rules and regulations on syndicating content through tribes.

Ensure your keywords are relevant to the blogpost written and do not over use the keywords in your post.

To Your Marketing Success!

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