Friday, June 8, 2012

H2O At Home Review - Is "H2O At Home" Yet Another Company With a Good Product But Lousy Leadership?

My guess is that you are finding this article because you were researching the web for information regarding the company "H2O at Home". You might already be a member or you are thinking of becoming one. I am going to do my best of providing you with a truthful and unbiased review of H2O at Home while providing the facts about this relatively new company and its product line.

The market is though, can they survive?

In my intentionally provocative headline I ask if the leadership in H2O at Home have a lousy leadership. I am being provocative because it is such an important issue that needs to be addressed. Are the leadership updated on the latest of the latest in marketing? Are they teaching their affiliates, You, how to promote their products properly?

As most of us know, most people in the network marketing industry fail miserably. Not because it is their fault, but because they are being taught the wrong things from their leaders and up-line. Cold calling and chasing prospects simply does not work that well for most of us. It's an outdated approach.

The question is: Do the leadership in H2O at Home know this?

If you already are an affiliate with this company or simply doing your research, let me tell you that there are ways to succeed greatly in H2O at Home for any of us. Even the most people shy person can succeed with the right approach. And truthfully, it is not that hard once you know what to do, where to do it, and when to do it. It is a formula for all of this, and without this formula you are most likely going to fail like the other 97 percent in this business.

Read on and I will talk more about what you need to do in order to succeed in H2O at Home.

Let me first briefly mention their products,so you have an idea of what kind of company this is. Their focus is on all natural cleaning products and in their product line we find: natural microfiber cloths, natural soaps, natural stain removers, natural laundry soaps etc.. It is actually a very good product-line, and if the leadership, meaning the owners and top recruiters, do their job properly, it can certainly make H2O at Home a big hit in The US.

Health is getting on more and more peoples minds these days, and when we look around us, we are surrounded by toxic products causing cancer and all sorts of problems. Even our younger generation is noticing the toxic environment in and on their bodies. It is without a doubt that this society needs to become more natural, in many ways...

H2O at Home have found a good niche here, and my prediction, if they do it all correctly, is that they can start dominate this niche within very few years. I would certainly sell their products with pride knowing that I would contribute in making our planet a healthier place for generations to come. Way to go!

Now that we have concluded that their product line is indeed a good one, let's focus on what they can do to start selling their products nationwide on a large scale.

What will it take for H2O at Home to become a truly successful network marketing company?

It all comes down to the few affiliates in H2O at Home who knows how to market the right way. It comes down to those few individuals who know how to leverage the right knowledge to their benefit.

I am here to tell you that there is a better way than the one you are being taught by your up-line. What you need is a step-by-step marketing system, where you are taken through the entire process of marketing while leveraging technology to expose your self and your products to thousands of people - thousands of motivated people!

It's all about The Internet, baby!

Yes, people are starting to realize that this is where all the magic happens. The internet is flooded with people trying to make a quick buck. People are spreading their content left and right, promoting their businesses on every channel on the Internet.

With little to no education on the marketing process, it is most often random effort, and seldom does it bring in the money that is desired. With the right system however, you can combat all of this. A little bit of knowledge goes a long way, and when you combine several little pieces of the right knowledge, you become an unstobbable force for success. You need to know what works, otherwise your efforts will be in vain.

I am sorry to say it, but it is true.

Before you continue marketing your H2O at Home business any more, make sure you are educated. And I am talking about the right education, the kind that has a proven success-rate.

The core of my message to all H2O at Home reps and network marketers: You must educate yourself to succeed.

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