Monday, June 18, 2012

Seven Legitimate Ways to Make Money Online

Many people want to know how to make money online, mainly because it lets them work from home, but mainly because it would give them a secondary source of income. A second source of income could allow them to break out of a cycle of debt and finally grow their savings. This is especially an excellent way for retirees to get reengaged into the work world but only on a part-time basis. This kind of thing isn't taught in schools yet, and making money on the Internet is so new that it isn't something that most people have been exposed to. The following offers seven legitimate ways to make money online and in your own home.

  • Affiliate Marketing: Affiliate marketing, simply put, involves allowing a service or series of services to advertise on your website. Naturally, this will require you to build a quality website that will attract the right kind of clients, meaning you'll need to learn web design skills. The great thing here is that you can make a website that relates to your biggest interests, so you'll be inspired to develop it and continue to update your site. Successful websites can make up to one-thousand dollars a month, which can supplement your income quite nicely. One key thing to learn is how to get traffic to your site. This can be done by letting people know about your website by blogging on related websites, and posting your articles on free article websites like EzineArticles and Squidoo. On Squidoo, you can actually create your own web page which they call "lenses" in which you can advertise your products or add affiliate links to other product websites. These two sites have wide exposure and are very Google friendly. One thing that I recommend is if you want the industry standard website software that is actually free and provided by most web hosts, please consider using WordPress. WordPress is advertised as a Blogging Software, however it can just as easily be used to created Static Page Websites.

  • Web Design: Working as a web designer can also be done at home. A web designer will have different skills and disciplines which are used in the production and maintenance of websites. There are plenty of tools freely available online for designers who don't have the technical know-how to do so. Online forums such as Digital Point can help you find someone who needs your work. You can go with a very expensive design software like Dreamweaver®, or use iweb for the MacIntosh, Web Design 5.0 or just use the free software which I recommend WordPress. With WordPress you can start with countless free (or pay for premium) themes and modify them to suit yourself or your client.

  • Selling Various Things Online: Ebay and Craigslist are two of the most popular options, but only because you can sell almost anything on those websites. Other options exist, such as selling photos for use as stock photography.

  • Buy and Sell Domain Names: This requires a little more tech savvy than the previous three options, but is no less profitable. The right domain name means a lot to a website, as it can be the difference between a visitor hitting it or skipping it. You can make money off domain names by purchasing them when they are low in demand and selling them to potential webmasters who want to use it for their website. Naturally, this takes more time and patience, but you can make some real money if you stumble upon a much desired domain name.

  • Article Writing: Websites want quality content for use with affiliate marketing, so if you're not inclined to make a website, you can instead create content for them to use. On average, if you can find the right buyer or website, you could make up to fifty dollars every five hundred words. If you're good enough, you could even write E-books. With the advent of digital distribution, this is becoming a better idea by the day. Some websites examples that offer this service are Constant-Content and Content Development Pros.

  • Online Freelance Outsourcing Work: People are always looking for a good worker, and sites such as oDesk and eLance can help you find them. Businesses and individuals are looking to hire everything, from writers, to web designers, to video editors. Some people will also hire online virtual assistants. If you have a skill you can use on a computer, someone is probably willing to hire you for it.

  • Social Networking: Several legitimate businesses just need a strong start to get the ball rolling, and they're willing to pay people to make their site look busy or to organically spread news about them by word of mouth. Two of the many websites that can help you find social networking work are SideTick and Apsense.

Making money online is not as difficult as it may seem, but it also isn't a shortcut to easy extra cash. You'll still need to work at it and develop a few extra skills along the way. However, it remains a profitable option for people who have the energy and ability to utilize the Internet to its fullest potential.

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