Wednesday, June 13, 2012

How to Build an Email List and Why It's Important to Your Business

I'm going to show you how to build email lists and why they are important to your business. Whether you believe it now or not, a solid list of email contacts build the foundation for growth as a new style network marketer.

Why are Email Lists Important to Your Business?
Think of email lists as the lifeline between you and your customers. Without email lists, you are forced to play the old 'approach family and friends game' again. Ouch. So what do email lists really do? They create a domino effect that educates prospects about your product and business. They also act as the perfect opportunity to promote special offers and the like.

-Since having a list of contacts allows you to reach out to contacts, this will drive more traffic to your website more consistently. The idea is to send people back to your site with each email you send.

-More traffic means more monetizing opportunities.

-More traffic means more exposure for your business.

-More traffic means higher web results rankings.

-Higher web search result rankings expose you to more potential leads.

See how the domino effect comes into play here?

What Practical Things Can You Do to Build Your List?
There are four things you can do to build your email list.

1. Build People's Trust. If you already have hundreds of subscribers to your website, advertise that fact. Have a "most popular stories" link in your sidebar. New leads will see these facts as a vote of confidence from the masses and so be more likely to trust you with their information as a result. There must be something great about you if you have 10,000+ subscribers and a list of stories many people have already read.

2. Strategically Place Your Email Request Box in 3 Obvious Places
- Your "About" page is a perfect place to ask for people's email addresses. Prospects will check your credibility by reading your "About" page. If they like what you represent, this is a great place to pick-up their contact information.

-Request an email address after every post you make. If they made it to the end of your post, they were interested enough to keep reading and hence, may want to read more of what you have to say. Make it easy for them to get notifications when you post something new.

-Place a request for email addresses in the sidebar. Sidebars get noticed. Especially if you have a feature box in the sidebar with a request for their email.

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