Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Up Close and Personal With Nancy On: USANA's Living Evidence

Last June 3rd 2012, I attended a training about USANA Nutritionals, hoping to learn more about the company and their products, and how I can make the most out of their earning and compensation programs. Of course, just like the rest of the attendees, I wanted to learn how I can benefit from the company's offerings -- and if it's actually worth spending more time to, other than promoting it in my website. I wanted to see if exerting more effort to learn more about the company is worth it. Surprisingly, I learned more than the things I should know about the company: I learned more about Nancy On, a young beautiful woman who is a living proof of how USANA can help one achieve his or her goals in life.

Nancy On is just like many individuals out there. She definitely didn't reach the peak where she is right now overnight. She had to work hard and find her way towards success and wealth and eventually, self-worth and self-fulfillment. Thankfully, she found it at a very young age and I'm sure you'd also want to know how she made it through it all.

Nancy On is a young Chinese lady who was born and grown in the United States. Her grandparents were natives of China and her parents migrated in the U.S. years back, from Vietnam. Having raised in an economically stable country, she did not immediately recognize the need for her to act. She didn't know how difficult life is beyond what her parents showed and provided for her. This made her let opportunities that come her way slip through her fingers when she was younger. She also made a lot of mistakes along the way. At first, she did not regret about it that much because she didn't realize the circumstances, but soon enough, she was to feel the need for beginning to take things seriously enough.

Her parents had a lot of expectations on her -- they wanted her to go to college and finish a degree and eventually, find a good job. But Nancy did not find the fulfillment she was looking for in school. She didn't have an interest in the subjects taught in school. She became a rebel, doing the exact opposite of what her parents wanted her to do. She fell into a dark area in her life where even she could not forgive herself for the mistakes she has done.

When she found her way through USANA, she did not doubt the company's ability to provide what they promise, however, she doubted herself if she can do what it takes to be successful in this venture. She started getting into business to help her friend. At first, she was doing it because of her friend, not herself. But throughout her journey, she slowly reaped the fruits of what she sowed. She knew that doing it for her friend was a good decision, because, according to her, God above seems to have rewarded her and now, she is enjoying the benefits that the business has to offer.

She began her USANA business when she was about 20 to 21 years of age. She was a working student at that time but despite her self-doubt and then low self-esteem, she was able to get the most out of the business and learned to enjoy doing it. USANA came to her at the best time and it can be considered to have become her saving grace. It presented the change she was looking for and it helped her turn her life around in a significant way.

From the moment she was involved with USANA, at the age of 22, she was able to achieve financial independence from her family. At the age of 24, she was promoted to being a diamond director, a level that offers a lot of beneficial compensation.

Indeed, Nancy's story is a greatly inspiring one, and an ultimate proof that with USANA, anyone can find the financial freedom and the change that they have been searching for.

So, If you want to achieve your GOALS in life, Don't SAY it! Do it! Just Like Nancy On, she went all the way and did it!

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