Thursday, June 7, 2012

Who Are You Competing With?

As a Corporate Network Marketer, I like to subscribe to other Corporate Network Marketers to learn and see what they are doing in their business. I keep swipe files of the things they are doing that I like and see are successful and I incorporate those ideas into my own business. It's important that you follow those in your industry to see what they DO rather than what they SAY.

Lately, I've noticed something that has unconsciously been happening to me. As a subscriber to other Corporate Network Marketers, I am finding that I am comparing myself and my level of activities to theirs. This is a HUGE mistake and one that I had to snap out of quickly. In this business of network marketing you must focus and only compete with one person... YOURSELF!

Your goal should be to out do the old you of yesterday with the new you of today. What do I mean by this? Well, you should get better in your business daily. You should be learning new things and incorporating new ideas in your business. As long as you are progressing forward and getting better daily, then you are having success.

I caught myself looking at other Corporate Network Marketers and getting frustrated because they were pushing out professionally written content on a daily basis. I was lucky to crank out two articles per week. Their videos were polished and had the quality of a professional studio production. My videos were shot with my handheld camera and had the look of a homemade video.They were on all of the social media sites and posted and tweeted multiple times a day. I was lucky to remember to log into Twitter..

What started to happen was I started getting discouraged. I was comparing myself to other Corporate Network Marketers and I started to feel if I could not offer the same level of value as they did then no one would be interested in what I had to say.

I wanted to quit. I wanted to throw in the towel and let the "big boys" win! They had all the money and resources to produce quality and quantity content that would run circles around what I could do as a budding entrepreneur. My spirit was being broken.

But it was my wife that slapped me back into reality. She explained that I was positioned to offer something that those "big timers" couldn't. There was something that made me much more attractive to the average prospect. In fact, I was positioned to steal droves of people away from the big dogs if I simply continued to do what I was doing.

She said, "June you aren't producing daily professionally written content because you are still working a full-time job. Between work and family, your schedule really only allows you to write 2 articles per week and even then you may find weeks when you are challenged to do that.

She went on further to explain, "Your videos are basic because you don't have a full production company who can produced polished state of the art videos. But honey... your videos are still great! They showcase a REAL down to earth person who is believable and offers hope. People who watch your videos realize that they too can start right where they are and slowly build their business. Stop comparing yourself with other Corporate Network Marketers and just compete with yourself. "

It sure feels good to have a wife who will prop you back up and give you another view of things. I really needed to hear that and realize that she was absolutely right. I did have something to offer that the "big dogs" couldn't.

I offered hope to the new part time entrepreneur who had a full time job and other family commitments. I was proof that you can make an impact on other people who are simply looking for someone who they can still identify with.. someone who is moving forward but not so far ahead that they can't see themselves making the same forward progression.

So today I hold my head up high and build my online business one keystroke at a time. Just as long as I don't ever quit. I must be consistent and do something positive in my business everyday no matter how small. Eventually I will look back and be amazed at the progression I have made.

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