Monday, June 4, 2012

At Home Money Maker

Working from home in your own at-home-money-maker can seem overwhelming at first. Just remember to relax. There is no need to get stressed out or anxious. My number one (1) rule is to "not worry about it." There is a balance between not worrying and not caring. You should definitely care about your business because it is the "bread and butter" for you and your family; then again, you should not worry about it because that is when you will get overwhelmed, discouraged, and burned out. Take your time. Do one thing at time. Do that one thing well. If you patiently work at something with all of your effort then you will have much more success.

The best example I can give you is my typing. When I type carefully and mechanically, I do no not make very many mistakes and my WPM is much higher on typing tests. But, when I try to hurry and type very fast, my WPM is much, much worse. My fingers are moving much slower, than when I hurry, but the quality of my work and speed at which I actually complete it is much faster!

Think about it! Just because you finish a task does not mean that is good or complete. How many mistakes did you make? How many typos are found in your ad copy? How many errors can you find you the emails that you send out? Take your time and work slowly and you will FINISH much faster! Oxymoron...I know!

If you worry about making money, you may cut corners, take shortcuts, or get discouraged too fast. Taking shortcuts may seem tempting because you think you will earn money faster. Nothing could be further from the truth. The fact is that that more time you spend building a quality business with integrity and following each guideline set before you, the more money you will make because you are doing it right.

Secondly, earning a full-time income from home on your own efforts is simple; but it does NOT happen overnight. Take your time. Learn everything there is to learn about the type of at-home-money-maker that you want to pursue, and then take the first step and start applying what you have learned day-in-and-day-out. Remember that it is a business.

Thirdly, work at your business as if you had to punch in and out of a clock. It is true that working at home does lead to freedom and extra time with your family. So, treat it with responsibility. It will not grow on its own. There is NO "turn-key" or "push-a-button-and-be-done" business." Some home business models can realistically allow you work for three (3) to four (4) hours a day. Just remember that WHAT YOU PUT INTO IT IS WHAT YOU WILL GET OUT OF IT.

Lastly, remember to "punch out of the clock". The three main reasons you decided to work from home are: (1) Freedom; (2) Greater earning potential; (3) and Family (actually, "family: should be first). If you work 24/7 you may get the greater earning potential; but you will NOT have freedom, nor will you have time with your family. Also, you WILL get burned out and bored. Spend the time you need to market your business, write a few articles, join forums, write blogs, send emails; but then stop and put it away until the next day...or at the very minimum, a few hours! Go outside and take walk. Or open a window at least look outside. There is much more to life than making money.

I hope these ideas can help you as you pursue your very own "at-home-money-maker" business venture. Remember that you are not alone; and if you can dream you, you can achieve it!

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