Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Is a Blog For You? Probably Not

Network Marketers Do Not Need a Blog

If you're an old style network marketer a blog is a waste of space. So forget it. When I say 'old style' I am really talking about the type of company you are with. Most MLM companies are very focused on promoting traditional marketing strategies which are usually about contacting people on your list. When you run out of them, you then have to focus on the tried and true strategy of converting cold contacts into warm leads.

The upside of this method is that it is free. Another positive is that the people you will be contacting will likely be local to you, so you can meet with them face to face, which should improve your conversion rates. Retention rates are also higher because you have more ability to strengthen relationships if you meet with them on a regular basis, and then work with THEIR leads. If your company has local meetings you can also plug your people into those meetings which will further serve to indoctrinate your recruits into the ways of your company.

People often ask why these companies persist with these 'old fashioned' strategies. The reason is simple even though attraction marketers like Ann Sieg and Mike Dillard wilfully fail to acknowledge this simple reality. Here it is: offline traditional strategies duplicate faster. Simple as that. And your stock standard MLM company with a multi tiered pay plan (paying tiny amounts per sale to each of the eligible upline) HAS to duplicate fast or it will wither on the vine and die. (They have to duplicate fast to keep the troops motivated because so little money is made from each person who joins.)

On the other hand new style top tier programs do not have a critical need to duplicate fast - the margins are so big from just one sale, which is motivation enough.

So if you are in one of THOSE companies that promotes this style of network marketing methodology, you are crazy if you try and buck the system and re invent the wheel. If you do, YOU WILL FAIL. Ok?

Now I know this flies in the face of the legion of attraction marketers out there who will tell you that all network marketers must have a blog. But a traditional network marketing business pays poorly in the short to medium term (I am referring to the tiny commission you make when you sign someone up). This is the reality.

Where a Blog is a Smart Tactic

The foregoing does NOT mean a blog doesn't have a place for a network marketer. This is where it is appropriate:

Top Tier Programs. This style of network marketing program is more of a hybrid - they have a network marketing aspect (in that you can recruit and get paid for it), but they also offer big commissions for personal sales. (The other aspect is that big ticket companies are usually very internet friendly - they encourage reps to embrace the internet.) The effect of this is that it is not critical for financial success to get quick duplication.

You can sign people up front line and as long as they buy your big ticket product you're making great money immediately. Because of this fact, a blog can work very well. It's a great way to build your credibility with prospects and ultimately a super way to generate quality leads. The fact that blogging is not conducive to quick duplication is not an issue.

Online Network Marketing Programs. A minority of network marketing companies encourage their reps to use the internet. If you are with one of those companies a blog can work well, although it needs to be restated that a blog will slow down duplication, because most of your recruits well struggle with blogging.

On the other hand if you have more of a retail focus - you will want to sell more products and not concentrate so much on recruiting. Then a product focused blog can work really well. This tactic works particularly well with health oriented products.

This news article is brought to you by WOMEN'S SELF DEFENSE TIPS - where latest news are our top priority.

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