Monday, June 4, 2012

Is MLM Still a Profitable Niche for Internet Marketers?

MLM is a highly competitive industry. Both offline and online, MLM is everywhere. There are so many blogs out there about MLM and promoting their funnels in order to capture leads to sponsor them in their own companies. One of the most important fundamentals of Internet Marketing is your target niche or more specifically, your keyword research. However there are only so many keywords you can target regarding the MLM and network marketing industry. With a market so saturated, is there any gold left to mine in an ever-growing competitive marketplace? How are you supposed to stand out from the crowd? Let's take a look at some little-known tactics you can apply in order to pick off the hidden fruit!

When blogging or running any successful campaign or ad, you obviously need to keep in mind the right keywords you need to target. Obviously by now the generic keywords like 'MLM', 'network marketing', 'MLM success', 'network marketing scam' and all the other popular keywords are already dominated and infested the search engines with backlinks that you will probably never be able to rank for. If only you had got in there early. But no matter - for the MLM industry is still a gold mine of potentially high-traffic keywords that can pull you virtually an unlimited amount of leads time and again should you go grab them first.

Have you ever thought about people who are searching about your company? Better yet, have you ever thought about people who are searching about other companies in general? Company traffic is definitely a huge source of leads on its own! How many potential leads can you attract just by people searching your company? Think about this, and then how about people searching about other companies? This is a near unlimited lead source - and it is still widely untapped! What's even better is that there are constantly so many MLM companies coming out and launching at an increasingly alarming rate. The more companies come out, the more keywords for you to target! Imagine that! Your best bet is to really narrow down the keywords for your company and then monitor whatever new company that launches or are still fresh. Competition for them will be low, but traffic is of course not as much as it would be when the company flourishes.

Because a lot of MLM companies still rely on the traditional strategies of blind-firing and mindlessly targeting friends, family and strangers at random - distributors are bound to struggle and eventually a lot of them will seek help online. Once these distributors start to struggle in their companies and seek help - that's where you come in. They will eventually need help in generating new fresh leads online when they've exhausted their personal network. And because you were one of the first ones to target the keywords they're searching for - guess whose landing page they end up seeing?

That's only the tip of the giant ice berg. Because while other leads are searching about companies, what else do you think people search for in MLM? What is one of the most important things you need to consider when joining an MLM in the first place? The leaders of course - yes, high-producing MLM leaders do get searched a lot, little did I know. These are also potential keywords that you can easily capitalize on and shoot videos or write articles about. Make sure of course that you add value and inform your traffic - be careful not to spill any controversy towards the person you are targeting otherwise you'll probably get complaints.

Other very good yet much underutilized keywords to target are MLM systems. What exactly are MLM systems? Well to put it simply, MLM systems are those platforms that usually accompany a company's marketing plan or a training platform created by a high producing leader, in order to feature to their downlines and other people in the industry. Believe it or not, people are out there looking for the best system they can use and are looking up reviews or feedback about them too. Again, with the launch of new systems, those are what you need to capitalize on. Make sure you do unbiased and non-controversial reviews about them - always focus on adding value and information to your target audience. Express your knowledge and value as much as you can about your target.

These examples are only some of the great keywords that will probably never cease to keep growing. There's always bound to be a new company, new leader, or new system that will be a key target in your marketing efforts. Target them early while competition is still low and then eventually when things pick up, your traffic will skyrocket out of the blue. There are also tools and training out there that goes into more detail on finding long tail keywords to target and measuring the competition and potential of them with finer statistics.

In essence, MLM is still definitely a hot niche and as the industry continues to grow, there are always new and relevant keywords to target as long as you're creative and imaginative. You must truly understand how your target market thinks and really consider their needs. Now that you understand which keywords to target a little better, you can begin your keyword research and start thinking of how you can add value to the people searching them. Think about how you are going to showcase your expertise. Now all you need is a highly converting squeeze page and funnel and you are on your way to building a six to even seven figure empires online.

Remember though, nothing is ever built over night. Just because you target long tail niche keywords doesn't mean that you will get hundreds of targeted leads overnight. Internet marketing involves a lot of testing and refining your skills. Once you learn, hone and master the art of getting traffic and conversions, only then will you start to see results. Don't expect to be sitting in a beach after you just target one or two keywords and a few articles and videos. The real marketers crush it every day, do as much as they can in order to really showcase their value and shed some light for people who are struggling out there in such a highly competitive industry. Remember, your goal is to help train and mentor others. That is your focus.

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